Sunday, March 9, 2008

Interviews and Company

This week in SL I interviewed for a dream job of mine, Marketing Adviser for a music company. When I was answering interview questions I tried to keep in mind how I would answer a question if I were face to face with my potential employer. I tried to incorporate my past work experience and show the potential employer what type of employee I would be. Hopefully showing them that I would be a great addition to their company.

My group chose a clothing company to create and market. We met in Second Life and figured out a lot of the basic things we want our company to include. We realized that we want to start out small and with time expand. We would like to start out with womens clothing, targeting the college age, which would be from about 18 to 25. The type of clothing we are going to provide are going out tops, pants and dresses. Being college students ourselves we realized that the clothing will need to be more affordable but still dressy enough to go out on the town in.

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