Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rip off the band-aid

This past week I realized something that I never understood before. Everyone goes out searching for that one person that will complete their life, when in all actuality our life should be complete without them and they should just add to the picture. I've been in a roller coaster of a relationship for the past 8 months. I was dating a guy over the summer that had to leave for Japan for two years because he is in the Marine Corps. We stayed together for the first 4 months until he informed me that he couldn't be with me until he came home. It put so much tension on the relationship and recently it has been nearly unbearable. But I realized something this past week. It's easier to just go ahead and rip off the band-aid and face the pain all at once then slowly tear it away and prolong the pain for longer than necessary. I realized that to be happy in a relationship I must be happy with myself first. So that is going to be my goal from now on, to concern myself with only my happiness and allow the pieces to fall into place.

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